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  • Complete our Abide Program

    Discover ABIDE: Pathways to Growth We warmly invite you to partake in our ABIDE Program, a transformative journey meticulously crafted to foster spiritual growth, deepen your connection with our church family, and empower you to fulfill your divine purpose within God’s Kingdom. By engaging in this program, you will traverse through the stages of Arrival, Belonging, Involvement, Devotion, and Echoing the message of Jesus to others. This voyage is about much more than mere participation; it is about discovering the boundless joy that accompanies a life intertwined with faith and community. After finishing the Church Culture Course, which you are currently working through a follow-up email will be sent to you with the next steps, including a link to take ABIDE.

  • Volunteer on a Team

    Make a Difference, Connect, and Grow by Serving on Sundays At Scarlet Note Church, we believe that every member has a unique role to play in building the Kingdom of God. Scarlet Note teams is a dedicated group of volunteers who serve on Sundays, using their gifts, talents, and time to make a positive impact on our church and the wider community. By joining the Scarlet Note Team, you will have the opportunity to connect with others, grow in your faith, and play a vital role in creating a welcoming, Spirit-filled atmosphere for all who attend our Sunday services. After finishing the Church Culture Course, which you are currently working through a follow-up email will be sent to you with the next steps, including a link to our Volunteer Interest Form.

  • Church Culture Course and Member Certificate

    This course serves as an introduction to the culture and values that define Scarlet Note. Through this course, you will gain comprehensive insights into our mission, vision, and core beliefs. Participants will also have the opportunity to be extended membership, representing a commitment that allows for personal and collective growth within our spiritual community.

  • Introduction & Brief History of Scarlet Note

    In 2017, a vision was born—a vision to create a spiritual sanctuary that would serve as a home to all, irrespective of their stories and journeys. This was how Scarlet Note came into existence. The seeds for this vision were sown by a dedicated group of individuals who believed in the transformative power of community and God's love. After months of planning, praying, and sowing into this ministry, the church officially opened its doors on March 5th, 2017. Our initial chapters were penned in the hallways of the Sheraton Hotel in New Castle, Delaware. It was a humble start, a mobile church without a permanent address but with a permanent mission. Our time at the Sheraton was transformative and formative, yet as with any growing community, change was inevitable and necessary. That change arrived when an opportunity opened up to move our Sunday gatherings to the Hilton Hotel in Newark, Delaware. Just as we were settling into our new space, the world was hit by the COVID-19 pandemic. Like many other organizations and institutions, we had to adapt quickly. Our physical doors may have closed, but our digital ones swung wide open as we transitioned to a fully virtual format. This challenging period turned out to be a blessing in disguise. While we were away from our regular gathering spots, we stumbled upon what would become our permanent home—a building at 20 East Commons Boulevard in New Castle, Delaware. While the pandemic raged outside, inside we were busy making this empty space a warm, welcoming home. Our congregation, although separated by screens, came together like never before to renovate this new space. Brick by brick, paint stroke by paint stroke, we transformed it into a sanctuary that would embody our core values and aspirations. Today, as you walk through the doors of Scarlet Note, you're not just entering a building; you're becoming a part of a story—a story of resilience, growth, and unwavering faith. And this story is far from over; in fact, we believe the most exciting chapters are yet to be written. Thank you for being a part of this incredible journey. Welcome to Scarlet Note. Welcome home.

  • We Value Statements

    What We Value at Scarlet Note At Scarlet Note, we firmly believe that church starts at home and extends into every facet of our lives. At the heart of our mission and our actions are core values that resonate with all of us. Here's what we hold dear: Family The foundation of any strong community, and by extension, a robust church, starts at home. Family is not just a social unit; it's a cornerstone of moral values, mutual encouragement, and love. At Scarlet Note, we offer a nurturing environment for families in all stages of life. Meaningful Connections Life-altering transformations often begin with meaningful connections. These relationships, whether rooted in mentorship, friendship, or fellowship, profoundly impact our emotional and spiritual well-being. At Scarlet Note, we're not just a congregation; we're a community that values deep connections. Diversity At Scarlet Note, we recognize and celebrate that our members come from a myriad of backgrounds and cultures. We may all bring our unique traditions and histories, but here, our church culture unites us as one body and one family under God. Community Impact We believe we're not just called to be a church within the community but a church that positively impacts the community. Through various outreach programs and initiatives, we aim to be a force for good both locally and globally. By actively living these values, we don't just enrich our congregation; we aim to create a wave of love, kindness, and meaningful impact that extends well beyond our church doors.

  • Intro to Scarlet Note

    Welcome to our Church Culture course. Start here to learn the basics. At the end of this course an option to become a member of our church will extended to you.

  • Think About Baptism

    Welcome to a New Beginning Baptism is not just a ritual; it is a profound declaration of faith and a pivotal step in the spiritual journey of a believer. At Scarlet Note Church, we celebrate baptism as a public demonstration of a personal commitment to follow Jesus Christ. It symbolizes the death, burial, and resurrection of Christ, and by partaking in it, we share in His victory over sin and death. After finishing the Church Culture Course, which you are currently working through a follow-up email will be sent to you with the next steps, including a link to sign up for Baptism if it's something you would like to participate in.

  • Become a Member

    Become a Member of Scarlet Note Church: Embrace a Community of Faith Your Invitation to Belong At Scarlet Note Church, we believe in the power of community and the transformative journey of faith. Becoming a member of our church is not just about joining an organization; it's about becoming part of a family that grows together, supports each other, and seeks to make a positive impact in the world. Membership at Scarlet Note Church A Commitment to Growth and Fellowship: We invite you to make a one-year verbal commitment as a member of Scarlet Note Church. This commitment symbolizes your desire to engage actively with our community and to invest in your spiritual growth. It's a time to build relationships, participate in our various programs, and contribute to our collective mission. No Strings Attached: We understand that life is full of changes and challenges. That's why our membership comes with no strings attached. While we encourage commitment, we also respect personal circumstances and decisions. Our aim is not to bind, but to bond – fostering a sense of belonging and freedom in your spiritual journey. What Does Membership Involve? Engagement: We encourage our members to participate in church activities, from services and study groups to volunteer opportunities. This engagement is key to deepening your faith and building connections within our community. Enrichment: As a member, you will have access to resources and support to help you grow spiritually. Whether it's through sermons, workshops, or personal guidance, we are here to assist in your spiritual journey. Support: Scarlet Note Church is committed to supporting its members in times of need. Whether you need spiritual guidance, prayer, or practical support, our community is here to help. Now that you have taken the culture course, we welcome you to become a Scarlet Note member, you can do so by clicking below and filling out the short form. Once you complete this step, you will be extended membership. Welcome to the family!

  • Our Name, Mission, Vision & Tagline

    Our Name - Scarlet Note 1) SCARLET IS A REFERENCE TO THE BLOODSHED AND THE SACRIFICE OF JESUS AS OUR SAVIOR. 2) NOTE IS A REFERENCE TO MUSIC, WHICH IS A REASONABLE RESPONSE TO THAT SACRIFICE BY LIVING A LIFE OF WORSHIP. Our Mission To be a spiritual home to all. Where every face is recognized, every story matters, and where the bonds of community and God's love are the driving forces. Our mission is based on these three key verses. 1. "Where every face is recognized": "There is neither Jew nor Greek, there is neither slave nor free, there is no male and female, for you are all one in Christ Jesus." - Galatians 3:28 2. "Every story matters": "But even the hairs of your head are all numbered. Fear not; you are of more value than many sparrows." - Luke 12:7 3. "And where the bonds of community and God's love are the driving forces": "A new command I give you: Love one another. As I have loved you, so you must love one another. By this everyone will know that you are my disciples, if you love one another." - John 13:34-35 We strive to be a place where every neighbor feels valued and connected and experiences the liberating freedom of belonging. In our community, you are free to be yourself, to feel valued, to be respected, and to contribute as your heart guides you. Our Vision Redefine your church experience - One that values the closeness, freedom, and comfort found in a community-focused church. As we grow, we remain committed to maintaining the essence of a small gathering that feels like home, a place where freedom reigns and God’s love is the central focus of all we do.

  • Gather, Serve, and Fellowship

    Gather Every Sunday, we come together as a family at Scarlet Note to celebrate our faith, dive deep into the Word, and lift each other up in prayer. Our services are designed to be a spiritual respite, a place where you can connect with God and recharge your soul. Whether you're new to faith or have been walking this journey for years, there's a seat for you at Scarlet Note. Serve We are not just called to gather; we're also called to serve. At Scarlet Note, you'll find a wide range of ministries and outreach programs designed to make a positive impact in our community. From local missions to community support groups, our service extends beyond the walls of our church building into the hearts and lives of those we touch. Fellowship Community doesn't happen by accident; it is built through shared experiences, genuine connections, and the joyous task of doing life together. That's why we emphasize fellowship at Scarlet Note. Whether it's through our weekday morning prayers at 6:30 am, community events, or small group meetings, we provide ample opportunities for our members to connect and grow with each other. By prioritizing Gather, Serve, and Fellowship, we aim to create a well-rounded spiritual home for everyone who walks through our doors. We invite you to join us on this journey.

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